Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Evolution of Skin Case Study Resources

Links for Evolution of Skin Case Study

Part 1: Skin Cancer – First write your own thoughts about the question. Then you can use these sources to see if you are right. Don’t plagiarize. If you use information from web sites, put it in your own words or use direct quotes and cite your source.

Part 2: Skin Pigmentation and UV Light – You don’t need to do any online research to answer the questions. Use the map and other information in your case study.

UV Light Index - the numbers on the sides are Latitudes

Part 3: Distribution of Skin Tones across the Globe

The red numbers are negative

The red numbers are negative

Part 4: Natural Selection and Evolution of Skin Color - You don’t need to do any online research to answer the questions. Use the information in your case study and your own creative thinking.

The "Ted Talk" - Skin Color is an Illusion - Color de la piel es una ilusión - subtítulos en español