Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome to your NGHS Biology Blog!

This week, we've just gone over some of the basics of how our class will work and we've gotten to know each other.

Honors Biology Periods 2 and 7 
We filled out Biography Sheets.
We learned each other's names with the name game.
We discussed class expectations and reviewed the syllabus
We learned how to take Cornell Notes

You can see the syllabus and the syllabus contract here . 

HOMEWORK due Friday 9-7-12: Bring in signed Syllabus Contract. If parents or guardians have questions they should e-mail Mr. Cantor at or call the school and leave a message for him. 

Biology Period 6 
We filled out Biography Sheets.
We interviewed each other to get to know our fellow students. 
We discussed class expectations and reviewed the syllabus
We learned how to take Cornell Notes

You can see the syllabus and the syllabus contract here .

HOMEWORK due Friday 9-7-12: Bring in signed Syllabus Contract. If parents or guardians have questions they should e-mail Mr. Cantor at or call the school and leave a message for him.